About Me

I’m French, grew up in Provence and lived in Barcelona, Paris, London. I’m a Libra and even if you don’t believe in astrology, this means I like anything to do with design and aesthetic, beautiful products and environments that bring us joy and optimise our wellbeing.

I love chocolate, seafood, hiking. I’m a huge believer in creativity and technology. I’m interested in the future, I like innovation and ‘new things’.

I have not followed a linear path and I have worked in different countries. Here are a few things I have learned (sometimes the hard way):

  • Bad bureaucracy will never serve you well

  • Do things with integrity and good intentions

  • Focus on your people and trust them

  • Be patient, good things will come

  • Be bold with your choices

  • Ideas are great but execution is everything

  • Manage your energy to be more creative

  • Don’t take yourself too seriously

I don’t believe anyone is self made because we need people to succeed, grow and learn from. I was lucky enough to work closely with many top senior and industry leaders. Even if they may not know, I’m grateful for the opportunity as I learnt something from each of them, which helped me develop into the professional that I am today.  


  • Blockchain Certification

  • Master in International Business

  • Bachelor in Languages & Marketing Communications 

  • A Level in Economics

  • St Martins Interior Design & Styling


  • English: Bilingual

  • French: Native

  • Spanish: Fluent